Deals Gone Bad

I have noticed a large percentage of my purchases are turning into Scam sales.....A lot of them I report to e-bay to have them checked out and they still go "south".......l had one on ebay for 2900.00 and another on Audiogon for 2500.00........And the worst thing is it sometimes takes months to get your money back..........Both of these were out of the country, one in the UK and one in South Africa.............


Sorry to hear that. I for one don’t buy from out of my home country (the US), just because of the added friction an international transaction has if something goes south . . . and sad to say, eventually everyone has a deal go south.

My recent overseas purchase from eBay nearly went south. Fortunately, seller delivered within a week as soon as I opened the dispute with eBay. Beyond eBay and PayPal protection, I use a credit card that offers outstanding customer service in handling disputes.

I'm right now filing a clam with Pay-Pal on one deal, that will take two months to settle, then a bad e-bay deal , which I can't file untel the 14th of Aug, and a damage claim with Fed-ex for 1600.00 which they will never pay..............Its about time to call internet business to a close, more crooks than honest people and nobody does anything about it..............The crooks are winning.....( for a total of 7600.00 )............Will