If it hasn't already been pointed out: the fact that you enjoy Tannoy Canterbury as your main speakers, and have stuck with them for years (like me) - I think makes it more likely you'll prefer the SUT + MM approach.
The cartridges you cite (Umami, Etsuro, Fuuga) are electrically a good match for SUT. There are so many nice premium SUT options and new contenders today, many of which I haven't tried, e.g. Consolidated Audio, EMIA, Sculpture A. Over time I've settled on using my EAR MC-3 and MC-4 the most. If the newer options go beyond that, it's quite a bonus.
Used a SUT with tube MM stages for years because it felt like the "natural fit", and indeed it's hard to even find a bad match there. VAC, Herron, Audio Research, Hagerman - all wonderful results with the EAR SUT's, which I generally preferred to the built-in MC options, sometimes by a lot. Of them all, the Hagerman Trumpet Reference actually made it a close call in some scenarios - and even won out in cases where I needed a little more air & zip on top to balance things out (depends on the system). And the VAC itself uses Lundahl LL1931 SUT for its built-in MC stage - but Lundahls are my least favorite SUT!
Now that I've also got a Meridian 502 w/ MM stage I'm playing with in a 2nd system, I can confirm solid state MM's work great with SUT too! In fact that's a quirky little "sounds better than it should" MM stage. Its balanced line-stage is reasonably transparent, but I prefer a tube line stage over it for many of the same reasons I prefer a SUT.