LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


@campo007 This review has some words comparing the Terminator to the Harmony. Cliff’s Notes version, the Sonnet Pasithea dispatched the Terminator, and the Harmony dispatched the Pasithea, but it’s a matter of taste and you can get a basic idea of the differences here…

This is a nicely detailed review that does a good job of describing the sonic characteristics of the Harmony, and in the conclusion it has a few words about how it compares to the R26 that I thought you’d find particularly interesting…

Hope this helps.

My experience with the Harmony DAC has been quite different from that described by Hans.  I have well over 100 hours of real listening sessions logged in with this device, with a TEAC 701T transport sending redbook CD data to it via coax.  I do not hear enhanced sibilance, brightness, or a mediocre midrange tone.  The sound that I hear is very natural, clear, and fulsome.  I cannot compare it to any of the Holo products that Hans mentions, but I can say that the Harmony puts out a more enjoyable sound than any of the other digital sources that I have had in my home system, including the Ayre CX7eMP, the Marantz SA11S3, and the RME ADI2.

  1. I received my Harmony on July 22nd and it has been playing music continuously 24/7 since then and just crossed over 300 hours.  I also own a May KTE, a Spring 3 KTE, an Aqua La Voce S3 and a modified Directstream DAC.  It is being fed by an Auralic Aries G2.2 and a Jays Audio CDT3 Mk 3 via USB and I2s,  It is the most musically satisfying of the four DACs.  Will it have the best measurements maybe not but it is the most natural sounding of the bunch and that is what matters to me.  In my new dedicated and purpose built audio room it is the one that will stay.  I have heard no hint of sibilance with either streaming services, stored FLAC and DSD files or CD's from the Jays transport.  So I honestly don't know what Hans was listening to or for and the tone of his usually boring review indicated that his review was based on other factors. As has been pointed out multiple times with Laiv's generous return policy just try it for yourself and don't rely on reviewers on either side.