More of a Tube Sound In a Tube CD player

I'm looking for recommendations for a tubed player that has a bit of a tube sound (just a bit), compared to the others on the market. I already understand that if one wants a tubed sound in their system they really need tubed electronics and not to expect it from a player. I already have 2 tubed cd players, (Raysonic cd128/ modded Jolida JD 100). Used to have the Modwright Sony Platinum. I'm looking for a different player (Balanced) that is not quite as neutral and has a little warmth and a bit of the tubed sound. Do not like leanness or anemic bass, or rolled-off highs however. Like a full sound. I'm looking in the up to $2500 range (used). I suppose I would consider a solid state player if it just gets redbook right for my solid state integrated (Blue Circle). I've done plenty of research. It almost seems like an impossible task but you'd think there would be something out there that would get this done in the used market at $2500 or less. Thanks to all for your suggestions.
Not a player, but mhdt Paradisea tube DAC with stock GE tube provides gobs of lucious tubey midrange and harmonic richess in my system on all 2-way speaks I use.

The exception is the older OHM Ls which are 3 way bookshelf speaks that I have customized myself. These have more pronounced midrange to start. On these, the Paradisea combined with my ARC sp16 tube pre-amp can sound a bit shouty and I clearly prefer the SS mhdt Constantine.

Both work very well with both my OHM Walshs ( 5 and 100S3s).
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Regarding the mhdt DACs, the Paradisea with stock GE tube is more of what you are looking for. I also have a NOS Tung Sol tube I have used with it. That tube is less tubey and more SS sounding. The sound of the Paradisea does seem to be quite sensitive to the tube used. That can be a good thing in terms of matching it well to different systems and tastes.
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Well here we go again, Tvad the resident expert on sound in your hometown. More from the bumbling audio-x-pert and he may have reached his 3,000th bloviation on this site alone. One can get a tube sound from a solid state circuit, he just hasn't been able to hit it on the many, many, avenue's he has traveled to no end. Yet we all still can be entertained with his nice threads, if one has the time to waste.