the today top phono SS stages has A RIAA deviation of at least 0.1db and lower than that, mine is 0.011 and FM Acoustics 0.05.
chasing numbers like this is a fool's errand. There are so many errors introduced in so many stages of the process that these small deviations do not matter.
Everything else being equal then of course go for the better measurement, but everything else is never equal ... so how does it sound? That's really all that matters..
regarding SUTs and loading , someone much more knowledgeable than me (Dave Slagle) advocates for choosing an SUT ratio to get the gain you need, then loading it on the input side to get the load you need, DO NOT rely on the reflected impedance of the phono stage. The problem with this approach is that most phono stages use the arbitrary 47KΩ load, which is usually not the ideal. It should usually be much higher. That is the Emia approach which has proven to be audio nirvana for me... not chasing measurements.