If you think about signal-to-noise ratio as a proxy for how resolving a piece of equipment is - recognizing that this may be an oversimplification, but useful nonetheless - then the attached HiFi News review might provide insight:
Notice in the lab reports section that while the A-weighted SNR of the DAC2 is 111 db, the SNR of the amp is only 87.4 db. So while the SNR of the Bartok Apex is about 117 db, I think, consistent with what some others have suggested, the Amp may not be sufficiently resolving for you to hear much of a difference. For the record, I do not believe all you need to know about a DAC or amp is SNR - don’t want to get flamed! - but it is a very helpful data point, particularly when we talk about low noise floors, highly resolving dacs and amps, etc.