If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?

A few questions which I'm curious about. If you have a take on this, please share!

Here's the question:

A.I. is increasingly playing a role in music creation. Not just assisting composers, but generating music.

If you found an A.I. generated song to be enjoyable, interesting, etc. would you have any objection to supporting it by listening and paying for the service which provides it?

If more and more music was like this, and there were fewer and fewer jobs for musicians, would that bother you? -- I'm thinking here about the aesthetics of the issue, not the economics or justice of it. 

I'm trying to understand if people just want to have a certain set of sensations from music and they don't care if there are human beings creating it -- or if it's important for you to know that what you're experiencing from music (or art) is coming from human beings.

Thank you for thinking about this.

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I appreciate the comments of individuals regarding music and performance.

In many ways there is lots of artificial replicated music - a radio station, mp3, vinyl and streaming are all recordings.  

The difference between a recording and performance is a performance is a one time event - it's virtually impossible for a musician or singer to perform exactly the same more than once.  

Recordings didn't kill music and I doubt AI will.  It may increase the amount of not wonderful music thoughindecision

Well real live music to me is great.Hearing a group you like live is Great....

I would have a major problem with AI created music.

The genres of music I listen to (jazz, prog, classical, and their various subgenres) all require a fairly high to very high level of musicianship. And a big part of that is not just technical skill, but the interplay between the human musicians.

While I am sure, sometime in the future, this may even be able to be mimicked on a recording, seeing musicians live, play off of each other, with terrifying levels of musicianship, is another level.

And this ability is even more magnified with: free and avant-garde jazz, avant-garde progressive music, classical music with extended technics, and others.

But even with music that is more highly composed, listening to a musician at the top of their game, play a difficult piece of music, with emotion, is another level of enjoyment, beyond just the music itself.

The human accomplishment with regards to: creativity, innovation, compositional skills, musical skills, etc., are a big part of why I love music so much.

And for context, I am not a luddite. I love technology. I work in IT at a fairly high level for a major biotech company just outside of LA, and we use AI in our department.