Esoteric SA-50 SACD player, Is it for me?

I am currently using a Mark Levinson 39, which I like.

But I am interested in trying High Resolution digital.

The SA-50 seems to offer may features that I am looking for, balanced variable output and digital inputs for PC audio and a SqueezeBox, USB , etc.

I listen to classical only, use ML331 amp direct ,no preamp.
Speakers, Ariel 10T.

Does anyone know how the variable output on the SA-10 is implemented? Analog like the ML or digitally?

Would this be a good choice? Are there other units I should consider?

Thanks for any input.

"Does anyone know how the variable output on the SA-10 is implemented? Analog like the ML or digitally? "

Digitally. However, if its true that they use 32 bit D/A then you have plenty bits to sacrifice before you may "hear" anything at all.

I use Joule-Electra LA-300 preamp which, I believe is the best preamp in the world and sound directly from Digital Player is lean, has luck of body not vivid and thus luck any life likeness I appreciate so much in the listening or recorded music

Good Luck
Turns out that the Esoteric is not for me.

The lack of a fire wire input, and the 16/44 limitation on the USB input make the SA-50 unsuitable for exploring High Resolution audio.

There is no way to properly connect to a computer for HiRez.
Hello Kenyonbm,

It is your decision, of course. However, your logic seems to me strange a bit.

I bought SA-50 and have it for two weeks - extraordinary sound, particularly highs and midrange. Bass is a bit shy but is inmproving everyday so in 500 hours or so I will have better opinion.

Next, technical specs. Its S/PDIF inputs are of highest resolution matched only by $8K Cary Pro 306 (but I can't stand Cary sound and its personal) and next level is at $15k - a few SACD Players there.

Regarding USB you wrote:

"the 16/44 limitation on the USB input make the SA-50 unsuitable for exploring High Resolution audio"

Well, its depends on the definition of "High Resolution Audio" If its "24/96" then yes, you can find Ayre and Wavelengh DAC's which accept them ( but then why to ask about SACD Player if you are looking for DAC with very specific requirment).

"24/96" is not the HighEST Resolution Audio available to consumer, today. Reference Recording, Chesky, 2L etc produce 24/176 and 24/192 software and no USB today is capable to accept it (Ayre promised it by the end of this year - but we are not there yet). You could nicely use Weiss DAC-2 which accept firewire as a part of your music server and then send true hi-res info to your SACD Player capable of accepting it. If there is no money for DAC-2 then RME sound card and if too expensive as well then Lynx.

At any rate, good luck with your choice.

I just ordered a SA50 SACD player. The options for playback are quite numerous.

Has anyone used the player enough to evaluate the best play options for optimized sound reproduction?

CD's: Up conversion or not, if yes how much. Also FIR and D_SLY filters (the latter supposed to be similar to Meridian and Ayre MP filters)

SACD: Basic processing or upconversion?

Re bandwidth limitations with USB...I think that will not be a problem in my case. I bring digital signals to my DAC's via SPDIF and TOSLINK (for internet radio, iTunes library, and XM radio).

Just spent two days listening to the SA-50 in my rig, (SimAudio/JmLab Focal). Didnt do it for me. I accept that the unit was not fully broken-in (dealer had been playing it on repeat for the past week before I got my hands on it) but I suspect that the overall sound would not change enough for my ears. Very detailed, good frequency extension but for my tastes relatively uninvolving and lacking emotion. Sounded a little harsh on the top and lacked some drive and impact on recordings like Brubecks "Take Five" (you know, when the drums kick in). Many things no doubt would improve (especially the slight harshness) as the player was broken-in but the lack of synergy with my set-up was the killer. I really wanted to like it!
PS, it improved quite a lot with a power regenerator, more focus and separation of instruments. Seems more sensitive to power supply than other players I've used.