Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


It makes me think of how my professor reacted back in 1988 when I took a music class as an elective. He put on a CD and soon ran over and had to turn it down before it blew the speakers, and then complained how he couldn't tell how loud it was just looking at these digital numbers on the CD player, instead of what he was used to, putting the vinyl on the platter and turning up the analog dial until he heard a certain level of static and pops. "There's not enough noise! it's too quiet!" 

@rvpiano there is something else you might try. Your CJ preamp is capable of 20 volts output. The Benchmark amp has three gain settings. Try setting the Benchmark gain to a lower setting. Hopefully it isn't already at the ~2v setting. Krell has been known to run one stage of the amp high into the next stage, giving the dynamics a boost.

Mick designer of Supratek believes line stages must have high output for this very reason. He realizes it won't be optimal for every amp and system, so the linestage as adjustable volume and another control for output voltage. My PS Audio S300 amp has an stage in it and 10db more gain than the Orchard Audio Stereo Ultra DMC V1 amp. I have to change the preamp to match the amp. Your amp is providing the same adjustment. 

Good luck,



My Benchmark is already at the lowest gain setting.

Thanks for your suggestion though..

@ghdprentice it isn’t the worst but it isn’t the best. It sounds fine on my system. But it’s kind of bunched up and overdone. Dynamic range from quiet to loud is fine. The loud is the overdone part. No fault of N200. 

@audphile1 @rvpiano 

have followed this thread with interest. tempts me to go and buy an Aurender N200 right now. But a bit out of my budget. @audphile1 or others - any views on the N150? Or any other streamer in the $3k-4k range?

