Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?

Some of you may aware of my Garrard 301 project, it’s now very close to completion. The plinth finally shipped from Hungry after 3 months of long wait.

Given my last experience with Hana Umami Red, I would like to take things to the next level. Which brings me to mating low output cart with a SUT. Every review I’ve read so far suggests when the SUT-MC match is right, the end result is heavenly. The bass is right, the midrange is clear, and most importantly, the highs are relaxed and extended—not rolled off.

I am not saying you can’t get great sound without a SUT but it appears with a properly matched SUT, sound can be quite magical.

Thought this would be the right time to get input from experienced users here since I am still contemplating my cartridge and outboard phonostage options.

My preference would be to go with a tube phono…I kinda miss tinkering with tubes :-)

My system, Garrard 301 (fully refurbished), Reed 3P tonearm, Accuphase E-650 with built-in AD50 analog board ➡️ Tannoy Canterbury’s.

Cart and phono under consideration through my dealer,

Fuuga - Output : 0.35 mVrms | Impedance : 2.5 Ω (1kHz)

Phonostage - Tron Convergence and Konus Audio Phono Series 1000

The cart - MC combination, I am lusting after is Etsuro Urushi Bordeaux MC with their Etsuro Transformer.

The other transformer is EMIA, cooper or silver version.

Your input is appreciated!



I never heard Wagner II but Jeff’s system at shows are among the best. That system you’re referencing is well north of $200K.

IMO, Horns speakers needs way more diligence when it comes upstream electronics. You get that synergy ‘right’ and you”re in for a royal treat. Another brand that always impresses me is Avantgarde’s. I once heard their pairing with Phasemation’s MA-1500 (300B mono’s) and Control Meister Pre…sublime!  

I have yet to hear another 300B amp that can rival MA-1500’s. And I have heard lot of 300B’s. Went all out and got one custom made with Hashimoto’s but did not get there, turned out to be a disaster :-) 


i’ll be damned.  He was running a Fuuga - the whole system sounded so good I didn’t focus on that at all.  

@lewm :  " the Allnic, reported by Raul as "0.4db" "


my mistake because is even worst because is: 0.6db. that RIAA deviation and the unit has not the critical Neumann pole.



“He was running a Fuuga”

Several of their demo’s featured Fuuga and Aventurin 6 carts. 

Dear @lalitk  : I'm sorry to insist and disturb you:

" On my last shootout with T+A and Dartzeel, I preferred the synergy between the Accuphase...."


As I said before good for you that your unit outperformed the very well regarded top Dartzeel elctronics but  ( as you said ) after dozens  of post you showed no single word about MUSIC and you will do some comparattion tests between all the units options you will have on hand.

The 650 outperformed the Dartzeel because?: better transient response? better tigth low bass? better mid-bass or low midrange? better dynamics and lower noise levels? better natural color of the MUSIC?, better resolution?, better harmonics or wider frequency ranges? better high frequency range?, using which LP tracks?

I ask again because outperforms the Dartzeel are " big words " and you follow staying " dead silence " about MUSIC ( not only you but all other gentlemans too. Only hardware. ) and its characteristics in a units comparisons.

