Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?

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Thank you so much for your detailed reply.  I don’t want to break the bank with a DAC , so it’s a difficult choice.

I know I mentioned “best under $15K”, but many of the DACs I mention make models in the $4-7K range that are worth considering. Not inexpensive as you just paid a good amount for your streamer, but it’s something to consider as you move forward in your journey.

Noting that you had a Gungnir in the past, I recently upgraded to a Merason from my Gungnir, it has been a positive experience. Also noting the comment upgrading digital cable, I just replaced my Transparent USB with a WireWorld Platinum, a very significant upgrade. I owned a Benchmark preamp, and liked it, but it might be worth sampling another DAC vendor. 

I like separate streamers and DACs for the same reasons I like separate preamps and amps.   

The N200 is an awesome machine , you should have no regrets     Enjoy until you can really better the Benchmark because it is a good DAC.  It will also be 2x what the DAC 3 goes for …..  Enjoy it and only replace it if you can do a home demo and it is far beyond a lateral move when you do. 

I just ordered a Shunyata USB cable that my dealer says will improve the brightness problem.  Hopefully it will and I’ll have no need for a different DAC.  

I mostly love the sound of the N200 the way it is.