Weiss 204 to Bricasti M1 series?

I’m demoing a Weiss 204 and like what I hear- dynamic, quietbackground, nicely detailed without sounding etched or bright.Would probably replace my Mac mini with a dedicated streamer if I keep the Weiss.  Wondering how the Bricasti M1 would be a lateral move vs. a step up, whether using its network card or with a streamer, thanks.


The Bricasti M1, provided it is their new Series II version, is a clear step up from the Weiss 204. If you love what Weiss Engineering does in the digital domain, the more apt comparison is the Weiss 502 vs the M1 Series II. The good news is that you cannot lose owning either. 

audioman58.....generally, different is NOT always better.  More detail is not always better.  It is the synergy between all sonic attributes of a given DAC devise that defines a superior musical result.  The high priced dCS, Esoteric, etc consumer brands, I find to be more marketing hype than brawn and performance.  But American 'audiophile ears' have slowly been conditioned through the marketing and pro reviewer influence, into believing a "more detailed sound result" is a generally a better outcome.  IF consumer DACs costing $25k + were so special in their sonic capabilities, then you would find these DACs installed in recording and mastering studios.  That is NOT the case.

Home audio enthusiasts would do themselves a favor if they delved into the overall differences between consumer and pro DACs.  And do not forget that consumer DACs often incorporate a lot of needless features that are not included on pro DACs.  If a devise provides many "switches and menu choices" for altering the sound, this is essentially no different than an old Pioneer receiver with EQ controls, loudness buttons and other sonic gimmick switches.  A DAC should do nothing more than process the digital to analog conversion into the most natural/realistic musically pleasing result that human ears can desire.  Lastly, the DAC is only one piece of the electronic chain and will produce results no better than the weakest link of the chain.   

Last thing, if one really desires to alter the sonic experience, then simply invest in a professional balanced EQ devise (ie, Neve, Chandler, BAE, etc) which would allow for the infinite crafting of sonic variations from minute and subtle to grand and offensive.  

Hi everyone, I ended up returning the Weiss 204 and buying a Bricasti M3 with soundcard and headphone jack here on the 'Gon.  The Weiss had a slightly chiseled, upward tilted sound, the Bricasti sound flows a bit more smoothly and was comparatively non fatiguing with extended listening in my room and system.  Dynaudio Confidence 30s and Herron Audio amplification (Keith is retired, his equipment still plays problem free).  Will update my Mac mini to a dedicated streamer at some point.

@ddafoe you preferred the Weiss 205 over Meitner MA3? I presume sound between the brands is quite different, or just better value?