I live in a high-rise so my living room is not huge. What would you do? 




Hard to say. I’ve heard ls60 and R11 meta both sans sub. Have never heard Hegel. I would expect either with sub set up right to sound very good. The kef ls60 is a fantastic product in that it does it all and is designed to maximize what can be done with a product its size. If I had to choose I’d go ls60 in that it does it all pretty much all for you especially with the powered sub properly in the mix

I currently have multiple setups in multiple rooms including ls50 meta + powered sub and even that holds up very well versus most any thing else I have heard in the smaller room it is in (12x12).

In a larger room I would be more likely to go with larger model kef meta speakers. The entire line is consistently top notch at each price level, including ls60. You just have to find the ones that work best for you



we are a kef dealer and we sell both the ls60s and full r series


the passives plus amplifier will sound better, the amplifiers in the ls 60s will never have the resolution of a stare of the art external amplifier, also remember with the passives you can upgrade to an even better pair of speakers later.


dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Kef dealers

If you browse through various audiophile and KEF-related forums you will notice that there’s an overrepresentation of issues with KEF’s wireless products. To the extent that I would absolutely avoid them. 

Go passive speakers plus a great amp. 

I would go for the latter, passive+amp.  I would hold off on adding a sub right away and wait until the speakers are fully run in and optimally positioned which takes some time.  Keep in mind that Hegel just replaced the H390 with the H400.  I did an A/B in my house of the H590 vs. H600 and the H600 was a BIG step up in SQ.  Better preamp section and better DAC.  

@audiotroy Thanks for the advice. You would think the LS60s would have a better sound given the fact the amps are matched with the drivers.