Why a dedicated SACD player more noticeable sound quality difference than HDMI-I2S w/ DACs

Over the weekend, we brought together our gears and run experiment with HDMI-I2S on a few external DACs to hear the comparison among:

  1. Oppo 105 SACD Player XLR output
  2. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to S.M.S.L. D400EX - XLR Output
  3. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to Denafrips Venus II 12th - XLR Output
  4. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to PS Audio DirectStream DAC Mk1 - Output
  5. Technics SL-G700 SACD Player XLR output

Pre-Amp: Denafrips Athena
Amplifier: Two Mark Levinson 333 Bi-Amp
Speakers: A Pair of B&W N801
Room: Acoustically treated
Playback is level match with pink noise track so both SACD Disc and DSF file playback are the same volume SPL.
We took note so the pre-amp volume setting are different for each playback

Slight sound characteristic differences among 2/3/4 (HDMI output)
1) the sound is distinctly different
5) the sound is distinctly different

Why we notice more audible difference between 1) and 5) , and very slight among 2/3/4?
Does the un-clocked HDMI-I2S interface introduce more jitter such that a dedicated SACD player will have better jitter control on its clocked SACD disc read signal?


I Donot agree with that.

if you properly remove weak links in your digital chain ,and provide Quality 

Digital is best in many areas. In our large  audio group I have see. Most everything 

out there.  From you router that cheap noisy wall wart ,get rid of ,replace with much lower noise LPS ,linear tube audio makes a great one 

quality Ethernet hub at minimum $600 LHY  SW8: if you can afford better $3k substantial improvement Danish Audio group, or Innuos, quality Ethernet cables 

put best one at end point ,and a quality streamer with a LPS ,Dac needs to be at minimum $2k on up . Then you will hear a substantial Digital experience quality power cords also a must .

My statement is not about A is better than B.

Our observation is that a dedicated new SACD player has more audible sonic differences than simply adding different external DAC (in this case thru HDMI-I2S adapter) to existing SACD player.

So was curious whether anyone has observed the same or have knowledge as to why that is.

I just replaced an OPPO 103d I was using as a "transport" with a dedicated transport , the Teac VRDS 701t .  Night and day difference,  no comparison. 

Wish I had done this a long time ago.  The difference is not subtle , the OPPO was poor as a music transport.