Why a dedicated SACD player more noticeable sound quality difference than HDMI-I2S w/ DACs

Over the weekend, we brought together our gears and run experiment with HDMI-I2S on a few external DACs to hear the comparison among:

  1. Oppo 105 SACD Player XLR output
  2. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to S.M.S.L. D400EX - XLR Output
  3. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to Denafrips Venus II 12th - XLR Output
  4. Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to PS Audio DirectStream DAC Mk1 - Output
  5. Technics SL-G700 SACD Player XLR output

Pre-Amp: Denafrips Athena
Amplifier: Two Mark Levinson 333 Bi-Amp
Speakers: A Pair of B&W N801
Room: Acoustically treated
Playback is level match with pink noise track so both SACD Disc and DSF file playback are the same volume SPL.
We took note so the pre-amp volume setting are different for each playback

Slight sound characteristic differences among 2/3/4 (HDMI output)
1) the sound is distinctly different
5) the sound is distinctly different

Why we notice more audible difference between 1) and 5) , and very slight among 2/3/4?
Does the un-clocked HDMI-I2S interface introduce more jitter such that a dedicated SACD player will have better jitter control on its clocked SACD disc read signal?


While I love science and comparisons… but, you guys have way too many variables and are comparing consumer grade front ends on DACs in different leagues. 

One thing… like connection type and the input mechanisms should be closer in resolution and quality to the amp / speakers. 

I Donot agree with that.

if you properly remove weak links in your digital chain ,and provide Quality 

Digital is best in many areas. In our large  audio group I have see. Most everything 

out there.  From you router that cheap noisy wall wart ,get rid of ,replace with much lower noise LPS ,linear tube audio makes a great one 

quality Ethernet hub at minimum $600 LHY  SW8: if you can afford better $3k substantial improvement Danish Audio group, or Innuos, quality Ethernet cables 

put best one at end point ,and a quality streamer with a LPS ,Dac needs to be at minimum $2k on up . Then you will hear a substantial Digital experience quality power cords also a must .

My statement is not about A is better than B.

Our observation is that a dedicated new SACD player has more audible sonic differences than simply adding different external DAC (in this case thru HDMI-I2S adapter) to existing SACD player.

So was curious whether anyone has observed the same or have knowledge as to why that is.

I just replaced an OPPO 103d I was using as a "transport" with a dedicated transport , the Teac VRDS 701t .  Night and day difference,  no comparison. 

Wish I had done this a long time ago.  The difference is not subtle , the OPPO was poor as a music transport.