Affordable Grounding

My Frankenstereo has assorted grounding elements behind the rack.    The head end of the streaming chain is in another room.  At the wall outlet, there’s Nordost QBase 4 Mk II – with a ground lug.    

I tried this inexpensive grounding tweak clipped on to the lug.  Subtle – but it works.  More transparency.    Probably similar results with the Puritan Ground Master – and other brands.  Worth a try!  Certainly more affordable than an Entreq.    I purchased the cheapest one with the copper wire/paper cylinder.  (Not a fan of silver-plated wire.)


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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Michigan Center 31 °F 34 °F 45 °F 59 °F 69 °F 78 °F 82 °F 79 °F 72 °F 60 °F 47 °F 36 °F
Minneapolis 24 °F 29 °F 42 °F 58 °F 70 °F 79 °F 83 °F 80 °F 71 °F 58 °F 42 °F 28 °F
Low Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Michigan Center 18 °F 20 °F 28 °F 39 °F 49 °F 58 °F 62 °F 61 °F 53 °F 43 °F 33 °F 24 °F
Minneapolis 10 °F 14 °F 26 °F 39 °F 50 °F 60 °F 65 °F 62 °F 53 °F 41 °F 28 °F 15 °F

Jim,  This house was not built with an access to the crawl space, where the water supply comes up from underground.  This house is a rental, in the back yard of the main house.  My water comes from a buried steel line from the main house in their basement.  I could tear apart a section of the covering but I assume the landlord not like.

So, you are suggesting that no matter an old original ground exist, undo the connection to the dedicated rod I installed?  For safety reasons and audio gear protection?

"I guess I'm just an ignorant old man."

I've been renting this little place for 28 years.  Rent is only $350.00/mo. and that INCLUDES heat and electricity.  If that makes me an ignorant Hermit then so be it.  I have everything I need.  Thanks!

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The meaning of HERMIT is one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially for religious reasons

I, on the other hand, think that I am getting more and more like a hermit everyday. Except that my desire for solitude and to retire from society has nothing to do with religion.