Looking at these specific preamps give me your opinions

I'm building a system and I have an SMC Audio DNA.5 power amp that was built about a year ago so it's up to date on technology although it is still single ended.  I have NX-otica and OB subwoofers from GR Research.  I am looking for a good preamp.  I have a few in mind and would like some opinions.  I have listed them below.

TLC-2  GT24 built by SMC Audio

VRE-1c made by SMC Audio

Revelation Raven tube preamp by Spatial Audio

LTA tube preamp

The TLC-2 and Revelation would need to be purchased new the others I might catch them online used.


I haven't heard the Raven, but what I've found with the LTA MicroZOTL is that the sound quality is greatly effected by tube selection. Mine originally had Trigon tubes which honestly sucked.  Telefunken and Siemens tubes were tons better.  Brimar Yellow T are also good, but on the warmer side. 

I heard from Spatial yesterday after inquiring about the Raven - what I've decided to purchase - and they have 1 that isn't spoken for in the current build cycle. Those are supposed to be ready for delivery in about 8 weeks. The next build cycle is targeting a December delivery and that works better for my timeline. Anyway... FYSA if anyone is ready to to buy now, better hurry before it's gone.

@jaytor You say you have heard the Raven.  Did it have tube sound?  What was your thoughts on soundstage etc.  Was  it matched with a tube amp?