Looking at these specific preamps give me your opinions

I'm building a system and I have an SMC Audio DNA.5 power amp that was built about a year ago so it's up to date on technology although it is still single ended.  I have NX-otica and OB subwoofers from GR Research.  I am looking for a good preamp.  I have a few in mind and would like some opinions.  I have listed them below.

TLC-2  GT24 built by SMC Audio

VRE-1c made by SMC Audio

Revelation Raven tube preamp by Spatial Audio

LTA tube preamp

The TLC-2 and Revelation would need to be purchased new the others I might catch them online used.


I heard from Spatial yesterday after inquiring about the Raven - what I've decided to purchase - and they have 1 that isn't spoken for in the current build cycle. Those are supposed to be ready for delivery in about 8 weeks. The next build cycle is targeting a December delivery and that works better for my timeline. Anyway... FYSA if anyone is ready to to buy now, better hurry before it's gone.

@jaytor You say you have heard the Raven.  Did it have tube sound?  What was your thoughts on soundstage etc.  Was  it matched with a tube amp?

I'm a sucker for small boutique companies (1-3 people) like these but always worry what will happen for my support/repairs of their product after they close their doors or pass! Hopefully they will outlive me!