Bookshelf speaker recommendations

I am in the need for some recommendation for bookshelf speakers in a small room(10x10). I currently have the Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and for the price are good sounding speakers but they are way too midbass heavy like boxy sounding. A few options I was looking was the Dynaudio Audience 42 or 52 or even the Contour 1.1. I listening to everything but mostly rock and country. Every once in a while I like listening to vocals and acoustic instruments.

This will be powered by an Acurus A150 amplifier with a Rotel RC-995 preamp. My source is strictly lossless files and some streaming. 

My budget is around 1.2k.

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A used pair of PMC Twenty 22 bookshelf sneakers if you can find them in used markets. These have been discontinued and a used pair can be had for around $1400 without the stands. They originally did retail for $4k a pair without stands back when they first came out in 2010. They were discontinued in 2016. These are fabulous speakers and they use PMC proprietary ATL (advanced transmission line) technology and they are front ventilated, not ported. They have front vent at the end of the transmission line. They are not picky when it comes to speaker placement and would work well in small room.