but can someone explain to me why plugging the amps directly into the wall is better than getting clean power from the conditioner.
I’ve read both sides of the argument. The argument against plugging amps into a power conditioner seems to be that the amplifiers are pulling a lot of current and the power conditioner is a choke point.
Back in the ’90s I talked to the tech guy at Cary Audio Design about plugging the Cary amp I had at the time into a power conditioner and he didn’t tell me not to do it, but he didn’t sound like he was crazy about the idea. I have tried it both ways and I, personally, don’t remember ever hearing a significant (if any) difference. As it is, I have my present amp plugged into the wall, my sub plugged into the wall of another circuit, and my pre and my SACDp plugged into a power conditioner that is plugged into the wall of the same circuit the amps are plugged into. And I really only have the pre and the CDP plugged into the power conditioner because I have decided I only want to use one dedicated circuit, instead of 2 or 3 dedicated circuits, for my audio equipment, and the power conditioner gives me more outlets. (Except for my sub which is on an altogether different circuit.)
What I am not sure I understand is: with the priority subs seem to play in everyone’s systems these days (good clean bass and all) why everyone relegates them to unconditioned power.
Also, will your power conditioner be plugged into a dedicated circuit? From what I have read on this site, a dedicated circuit might be more important than a power conditioner.