If you have another outlet on the line pick up a Furman PST-8 for the sub, and you can always experiment by trying other components with the Furman (for kicks).
I have 2 of the PST-8’s and they seem to be sonically OK as far as I can tell plus the surge protection WORKS (I live in LA/West Hollywood) and we experience gobs of electrical events here.
Per "Erick" (sp?) the expert who’s currently taking a vacation from A’Gon the Furman PST-8 is the lowest you want to go in their line for competent surge protection along with what I feel is good conditioning/SQ.
For a sub it’s a no-brainer, IMO, as it will do the job for around $200.
My big APC for the computer conked out a while back and I’ve got the computer plugged into the PST-8 now along with the mini system we use @ the computer (no noticeable drop in SQ).
I have 2 separate conditioners in the living room system (one for digital and one for analog), but this was done years ago prior to the power transformer feeding our building being replaced/updated, so perhaps doing so is not a big deal now (too lazy to check/experiment).
It’s not clear (to me) what Audiotroy is suggesting, but if it’s just a dual/splitter outlet then that could be done for a few bucks.