Amps that don’t impersonate space heaters.

There have been some epically hot periods in metropolitan Chicago this summer. I have had a long running affair with a pair of Avantgarde Uno s2’s and don’t really require a great deal of power. I have two dissimilar but equally compelling amps (a Pass 30.5 and a BAT vk-56) both prodigeous producers of heat creating a sauna like environment in my library/listening room the HVAC system not withstanding. What, if anything, have you boys and girls found that might replicate the qualities of my beloved amps minus the potential for 3rd degree burns and heat prostration?
Cheers and good fortune to you all. 


There have been some epically hot periods in metropolitan Chicago this summer. I have had a long running affair with a pair of Avantgarde Uno s2’s and don’t really require a great deal of power. I have two dissimilar but equally compelling amps (a Pass 30.5 and a BAT vk-56) both prodigeous producers of heat creating a sauna like environment in my library/listening room the HVAC system not withstanding. What, if anything, have you boys and girls found that might replicate the qualities of my beloved amps minus the potential for 3rd degree burns and heat prostration?

@williamjohnston If you don't like the heat consider a class D amp. There are some now that rival class A tube or solid state amps in terms of sound quality (with a very good first Watt)- no harshness and actually lower noise so no problem running on horns. I have a set on my speakers which are 98 dB. They replaced a set of class A triode OTLs. I don't miss the tubes at all.

@ghdprentice you nailed it. Realistic and nuanced is exactly what I’m looking for as well. Accuracy of tone, expression, dynamics and articulation win any day over artificial “slam”.

@atmasphere Agree, I run a class D in warm weather and no heat streaming off.  In fact, can turn it up and let it run for hours and no heat coming off.  I haven't found one that sounds toe curling wonderful, but it isn't turning the room into a sauna.  On the brighter side, in Chicago, you need to worry about too hot for 2-3 months? 

@hoosierinohio Agreed, but I run a class D because of its sound quality. The low heat and energy draw is a side benefit.

I use Parasound Halo A21+. A beast at 500 watts per channel at 4 ohms. It gets a little warm to the touch but not enough to affect room temp at all.