CDP for McIntosh MA6900
I'm planning to buy the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated amp and a CDP, I tried to use a Accuphase DP-400 and Esoteric SA-10 CDP to test the MA6900 (Speaker is Harbeth M30). In my opinion, Accuphase is totally defeated by SA-10 , Esoteric sound so detail and beautiful, full of body and soul. But currently a Linn local dealer has a special promotion for their Linn Majik CD player now in my city. Unfortunately, I can't use a MA6900 to test the Linn Majik CD.
Does anybody have experience to compare a Linn Majik CD and Esoteric SA-10 with McIntosh amp? Which has better sound you think ? SA-10 is about US$ 450 more than Linn Majik.
I use this it for Jazz instrumental music, usually Contemporary Jazz, Standard Jazz, Bossa Nova,...Piano, guitar, tenor sax, soprano. Occasionally, some Jazz and Bossa Nova vocal but not much. The speaker will be Harbeth M30 or ProAc D15.