@lewm : " , many more.... (Mind has gone blank.) "
PS Audio Stellar deserves to be in your list. Btw, really good that you posted Simaudio as and excellent unit.
@lalitk : " offering good head amp/phono stage. My Google search did not show any good results. "
Not show because does not exist. What exist are phono stages with active high gain for MC and MM cartridges. The lewm list named these kind of units.
@mikelavigne posted in this thread about the phono stage active high gain design that he owns:
" they are very fine and i do use them and appreciate their low noise and dynamics. " I can add that no passive unit can't even or beats those chjaracteristics and several more.
lalitk: @glennewdick posted :
" A good gain stage to me sounds better then a SUT. A good analogy would be an active preamp compared to a passive preamp. Both can be great under the right build quality and situation. But for me the active is more engaging. "
and other than me and lew and the ones posted here other two gentlemans have the same kind opinion for active high gain phono stages.