Need Amp or next component upgrade advice

Hi everyone,

I am hoping to get you all’s thoughts on a power amplifier solution. I need to take my tube integrated in for a check up and I would not have any music while this is in progress, and that is unacceptable. This situation has delayed me taking the amp in for this check-up for 2 years now.

So, I am now viewing/rationalizing this as an opportunity to get a power amp to use while my integrated is off at the shop. And if it wows me, maybe the tube integrated amp goes on the market….

Looking to invest ideally $1500 or less used. Can stretch to $2000 or so for a “long term keeper”.

This amp would drive ATC SCM11V2 in a small 8x10 room. Mostly 65db low volume listening… Stream Quboz via Sonore orendu and ROON. occasional cds ripped on my ROON server, no vinyl…

Regarding a pre-amp, I can’t afford one at the same time, unless I can get both for that $2000 max. A workaround could be to use my Black Ice tube DAC as the pre-amp initially. Of course, that means no sub-woofer for now, but it is what it is...

That being said, I am also open to integrated amp again… I think that I want something different to compare with my current tube solution (Black Ice F35). So, class D, hybrid, etc. I am open. However, I could be open to other tube brands as well.

Also, I just discovered these Fosi V3 monoblocks, with Sparko upgrade, as someone mentioned them in another Agon discussion. This has put a wrench in the works…

So, spend up to $2000 on just a nice used power amp, save for a future pre-amp, find a good amp and pre-amp solution for that $2000 max, or go more in this Fosi direction, or a different integrated?

So, I think I am preparing to embark on an “upgrade cycle”… one component at a time.

Or stick with my original “itch”--upgrade my speakers, (which you all have given me fantastic input on already)!

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


Well, first you must decide if you want to build around the ATCs. 

If so I agree with @soix that they may respond better to SS amplification. 

@bogbeat Wrote:

Regarding a pre-amp, I can’t afford one at the same time, unless I can get both for that $2000 max.

Look into Schiit Audio, maybe a Freya+ preamp $1049 and a Vidar amp $799.


Maybe a Wired 4 Sound mINT integrated here

Agree that the ATC needs more power than the typical tube amp can provide. So if want tube amplification, should change to a more efficient speakers