JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2

Well still investigating different speakers. In the used world these speakers are similarly priced and both have great reviews.  Does anybody in the Audubon family have familiarity with these two speakers. Which one would you recommend and why.  I have a dedicated room approx 20x 15 with no special acoustic treatments. Wall to wall carpet. I mostly stream with bluesound node 2. I have a Hegel 390 Integrated amp and project turntable and Yamaha CD player both around $300 - $400.  Mostly listen to blues, folk and rock. Some classical too.

look forward to hearing from you



I would expect your H390 to sound very similar to the Harbeths driven by the H590 - there is not that much difference between the 2 amps.  I believe several of the Hegel amps in the Harbeth videos on YouTube are the lower powered amps. And... Hegel often uses lower powered amps to drive them in shows.  

Also, you may note that the McIntosh MA252 is driving them in some of the most impressive of those videos, which is only 100 watts into 8 ohms and 160 watts into 4 ohms (Harbeth's impedence).

And... if you prefer a different sound after you've tried them for a while, they're very easy to sell.  They will require a few hours of burn-in to sound their best (if new).  But... for acoustic sounds... you'll have difficulty finding anything to match their rich, warm, airy, life-like sound and imaging... or... have to replace them with a pair of Quad ESL-57's!  

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If... as you said... you listen primarily to acoustic music - you will have a very difficult time to find anything that matches the Harbeth’s rich, warm, life-like sound and imaging - except for the ESL 57’s and maybe the Maggie LRS+, which I also have, and like as well as the Harbeths.

Especially with strings, horns and all things acoustic!

Though, if you want a bit more of a "bite" in the instruments - the SHL5 XD will provide that, as well as the 30.2 XD - perhaps at the expense of a bit of some of the smoothness.

I have owned a pair of the JA Pulsars, which I switched back and forth with Focal Utopia Diablo III’s.  I have also listened to but haven’t owned the Harbeth 30.2’s, so I can opine on the comparison but I really know the JA’s as I owned them and listened to them all of the time, whereas, the Harbeths I only listened to at a dealer.  I am a huge JA fan.  The Pulsars are an amazing speaker for $4000 used.  I would pick them over the Harbeths.  For a little speaker, the Pulsars have a surprising amount of bass and the overall JA “house sound” is very pleasing to my ears.  Plus, they are beautiful speakers and you can sell them for what you paid for them used. 

Agree for OP Harbeth is better choice than Pulsar:

  • bigger and fuller soundstage
  • smidgen warmer treble/highs
  • better musicality

Harbeth fits better

  • i love clarity in female/male voices

Not specifically clarity, but the Harbeth is known for emotionally engaging voices

Agree that Harbeth + Hegel is a well known great match. This is a fabulous musical combo I hope to own as a 3rd/4th system. I also love the Devore Orangutan O/96, the most musical speakers I’ve demoed, maybe with a Leben CS600 or some other tube amplification.  My current systems are neutral-linear and flea watt floorstanders.

Seems the prevailing opinion is the sonic uptick from Hegel H390 to H590 is negligible so it’s not worth the increased price.