Integrated S.E.T Amp and Bookshelf Speakers Recommendations

Greeting! When I was looking for a CD transport replacement I received great info and advice here.

Now that les fil #3 is adulting, I have my own office/library/hiding place. I am exploring lower wattage integrated SET amps and higher efficiency (92+) bookshelf stand-mount speakers, with a relatively flat signal response. I listen to lots of jazz; smaller chamber music groups and Early Music; acoustic bluegrassy, folk and the like. 

I'm looking for an amp that can do the following- liquid tonality with instruments; good realism and immediacy with voices; solid 3 dimensionality; sweet and airy treble; and defined decays. I want it all, lol.

I'm going to audition the following because these are names I have read about.

Elekit TU8600R, UnisonTriode 25, Sophia Electric Prodigy Dual Mono. Any others?

As far as speakers-Audio Note and Harbeth. Any others?

Budget-I'm listening and learning.

Anyone have any thoughts and recommendations?

Thanks again!



FORGET the low powered SET tube amp!!!
First off,RETUBING COST of 300B tubes every few thousand hours is OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE....You could go Single Ended EL34 or KT88 but still limited power available or one of the new Single Ended KT150/170 amps available but you’ll still have to retube every few thousand hours.
If you want it all,go with a PURE CLASS A Solid State amp from Pass Labs,Sugden or Luxman!!!
Add a pair of smallish stand mounted monitors from Spendor,Harbeth,Reference 3A,Dynaudio or Sonus Faber & bliss out!

I'll balance the argument.  SET is the only way to go.  I have tried a few SS amps since going tube and always disapointed. And push pull is a compromise that cannot hold a candle to SET.  It is accepted because people are married to their low sensitivity speakers.

that said, you aren't looking at high end SETs so you aren't getting the highest quality possible sound.  And there aren't many good options in bookshelf speakers and high sensitivity.  I look for 94db or higher but you can probably get buy at 92 if your amp has high current.  Look for a used decware.  I have an SE84UFO that is rated about 2 wpc and will fill my room using 95 db speakers.  It is my back up.  I am currently using a 4 wpc bespoke custom amp with 98 dB speakers.  Really overkill on power.

But if you're looking in this price range, you won't find an SS amp that will hold a candle to a simple SET.  Try to find one that is point to point wired, not circuit board.  If you can find an Aric or a Sachs that works for you jump on it.  


@carlsbad2 :where the SS amps you tried SINGLE ENDED pure CLASS A?
 If they were not your "balanced argument"is as far from balanced as yin is to yang...
 There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING a SET tube amplifier offers that a Single Ended, Class A SS amplifier does'nt & in MOST CASES the bass on the Class A SS amp is far superior to a 300B SET amp which are known to have soft bass!

A 300B SET does not have enough power for the vast majority of speakers.Why would you want to severely limit your choice of speakers ?

If you are determined to use a SET then you would be much better off considering a 6C33C,211,811 or 845 based one.

For starters what are the dimensions of the new room?

I have been using 300B and 2A3 DH/SET amps for the past 22 years and I disagree with the opinions of many, many, many who have posted about them in the past (including a few in this thread).

This said, you have to have a plan and that starts with the size of the listening room and the SPL's desired.

