Integrated S.E.T Amp and Bookshelf Speakers Recommendations

Greeting! When I was looking for a CD transport replacement I received great info and advice here.

Now that les fil #3 is adulting, I have my own office/library/hiding place. I am exploring lower wattage integrated SET amps and higher efficiency (92+) bookshelf stand-mount speakers, with a relatively flat signal response. I listen to lots of jazz; smaller chamber music groups and Early Music; acoustic bluegrassy, folk and the like. 

I'm looking for an amp that can do the following- liquid tonality with instruments; good realism and immediacy with voices; solid 3 dimensionality; sweet and airy treble; and defined decays. I want it all, lol.

I'm going to audition the following because these are names I have read about.

Elekit TU8600R, UnisonTriode 25, Sophia Electric Prodigy Dual Mono. Any others?

As far as speakers-Audio Note and Harbeth. Any others?

Budget-I'm listening and learning.

Anyone have any thoughts and recommendations?

Thanks again!



The Reference 3a De Capo Be monitors are worth a look given what you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 

I'm a toob noob, but will say that you can get what you are looking for with single ended pentode integrateds and stand mounts for under 10K with some searching and patience.

I got my Audio Note AN-K speakers and OTO SE integrated for $8k used.  It took awhile, but I'm enjoying the sonic experience now.  All that you said you wanted above is what I'm hearing.  

Keep your eyes open and good luck.

on amps I would recommend the following:

Alan Eaton Shop | Alan Eaton Amplifier (

John Nouwens (in South Africa) JR Tube Audio (

Audio Note Cobra

For speakers

Klipsch RP 8000F II

Qualio IO (from Poland)

Omega Audio



The Audio Note OTO SE with the AN-K speakers work well. The Cobra is a nice amp, but it isn’t single ended.  FYI- the OTO also comes in push pull, so if you insist on single ended, be sure it’s the SE version. 

@chayro is correct. The Cobra is a PP but honestly it is better than most SE amps. Very tight. I have another Audio Note, that’s single ended and also level 2- P2SE. Cobra is better.