Several used sonos faber il cremonese for sale. why?

I've noticed lately that many used il cremones speakers by sonus faber are for sale lately.  And the price after being only 2 to 3 years old goes from a list of 55,000 all the way down to 25 to 30,000.  And they seem to be on sale for quite a while, and from dealers too.  I thought these were very nice speakers and don't understand why they're at such a discount and why many seem to be on sale these days.  I know the Amati g5 Sonos is supposed to be very good.  People aren't selling to buy the lower level g5 speaker.

I also know, and as openly acknowledged by sonos, the speakers are a lot more expensive because of all the design work to make them pretty. With these low used prices why would anyone pay 55,000 even if it's discounted by 10% or so? I know it's an older design speaker that hasn't been updated for a while but that may not be a problem.

Any thoughts about this as I was kind of interested in il cremonese. What's a good alternative speaker?


And the price after being only 2 to 3 years old goes from a list of 55,000 all the way down to 25 to 30,000

You ever seen the hit a car’s price takes the MINUTE you drive it off the lot brand new? Maybe, just maybe, that’s an indication of what Sonus Faber’s mind boggling dealer mark-up price is....or any "Lifestyle Brand" product for that matter.  Your REALLY think it costs Sonus $55,000 to make that speaker?  Or Wilson Audio $370,000 to make that monstrosity called the Chronosonic?  Or the retail price of any audio gear made by Naim, Gryphon, Dan D'Agostino, or (INSERT ANY BRAND NAME SEEN AT ANY HI END AUDIO SHOW)?


The escalating prices we have seen over the last 20 years will continue as long as there are "New Money" millionaires made in the Bitcoin, Social Media "Influencer", Hedge Fund, etc., avenues that have popped up who keep paying those prices because it makes them look "cool".  The rest of us can just sit back and laugh.

.......sounds like we are a little there allenf1963. No ....???? Possibly get a job in those fields and maybe you can move on from your Klipsh Heresy's or Forte's one day.    

I have listened to these a number of times and like them. I have a friend who bought them and loves them. He did add a few Rel subs which definitely helped. They sound better in his room than they did in the dealer's showroom (what a surprise). For 25-30k I think they are a good deal if you like the sound. They are also very pretty if that matters but are big. I went in a different direction based on how they sounded in the showroom (they didn't image as well as I was looking for), but in his room they sound great with much better presence. Why are there several for sale ....don't know but I know he doesn't plan on selling his anytime soon.

Sonos? Sonus. 

A 50K (30, 25, etc) speaker for a living room or dedicated audio room, the size of a larger hotel room, is a giant waste in my world. There are so many beautiful and beautiful sounding speakers for a 10th of that.

But that's just for my dumb ears and thin wallet devil