What did you add to your 2 channel system to do HT?

My system is really two channel with components added to create a low budget home theatre system.  My LTA MicroZOTL preamp has a HT input that basically locks the level. Not a true pass-through like my conrad johnson had, but it works. Things I've added include:

Onkyo TX-RZ820 receiver which is only used for processing 

Adcom GFA555 amp for center channel 

Denon PMA600 amp for two surround speakers 

Sonus Faber center channel speaker 

PSB CS500 surround speakers

SVS PB12-nsd subwoofer (in addition to my REL subs) 

Sony Ubp-x800m2 Blu Ray

75 inch Samsung HD LED tv

Pretty low budget and mismatched.  I had the Adcom laying around, so I put it to use.  The system sounds good enough for the little bit of movie watching I do.  The Onkyo will do 7 channel, but only doing 5.1. 

I'm curious to hear what other people do to convert a two channel setup to multichannel? 


@mahler123 I have a number of concert videos on DVD and Blu-ray.  A few of them have really good audio. Most don't.

You definitely wouldn't build a system like mine if your emphasis was on movies. Mine does OK for me, but it would be pretty lacking compared to a high dollar dedicated home theater. 

I need to get The Last Waltz.  Thanks for mentioning it. 

@mahler123 there is nothing to say that high end 2 channel sound and high end HT(or any level HT) can't coexist in the same room unless it is room treatments.  

In my system they coexist and the only shared components are the 2 channel amp and he front speakers.  

My 2 channel sound system stands alone.  No shared components when operating in 2 channel mode.

My HT system routes a preamp level signal to a second input on my amp to drive my front speakers.  So maybe the front speakers and amp cost 10x what the rest of the HT system costs, but they are there for the 2 channel system and certainly don't hurt the HT system, which sounds excellent.  So I don't consider that "overkill".  I use a Marantz Cinema 50 to drive the surround speakers and do the decoding for the front.  I have a large center speaker in the center of my rack that just sits there quietyly during 2 channel sound and is driven by the Marantz for HT.

I know my Marantz reciever reciever and 2000 lbs of floorstanding surround speakers and  subs would be considered mid fi by some HT enthusiasts but I find it to be pretty darn good.

Very happy with both systems.


I'm watching Land of Bad on Netflix.  Lots of explosions.  Looks like a good movie. 👍

I’m coming at it from my perspective.  I have a dedicated listening room for my 2 channel gear and 2 HT systems elsewhere in the home.  One of these is in the living room and we pretty much use for video only , although I do have an Oppo  203 and a CA CXN 2 channel streamer there.  The streamer mainly plays Internet Radio as background music while we eat.  In the basement my second HT system is split between video and audio.  Both HT systems are 5.1 with identical Anthem AVR.

  I don’t need a 2 channel pass through, therefore.  I like the Anthem AVR, obviously, but for me it’s probably overkill in the Living Room.  A competent Yamaha or Denon at half the price would be fine there, and one of the expensive processors would surely be waisted