Adding tube sound to my SS system

I have a question for the hive mind. I had the opportunity try a PS Audio BHK tube preamp in my system the other day (in between my LUMIN T2 and Luxman 509x bypassing the luxman preamp) and the vocals / midrange made my heart flutter and chills run up my spine. I heard life detail and nuance in the vocals that I didn’t with the Luxman preamp and sounded like the singer was in the room. But, it was lacking in soundstage, bass and so so recordings didn’t shine. The Luxman preamp made everything sound smoother and liquid but at the expense of some life in the midrange. I ultimately liked the sound without the BHK preamp better, But, that tube sound is intriguing and I’m looking for a way to add it into my system.

system is LUMIN T2->Luxman l509x->spendor D9.2

I keep the Luxman loudness on all the time. Maybe that says I like a fuller sound. i stream 99% of the time through Roon or airplay (tidal and my wife uses Spotify). The modern convenience of controlling volume from the phone is essential (this the LUMIN). Home theater runs through the HT bypass on the luxman. All kinds of music jazz, folk, rock, hip hop etc. simplicity has value over going fully separates. I’ve been trying to research streaming dacs that have a tube or streaming tube preamps but not really having any luck finding anything that fits the bill. Looking to upgrade the LUMIN as I love the aesthetic of the Luxman so it would be hard to part with but I’d do it if needed. Wondering if streamer to tube preamp to power amp is the only way to make it work. Budget is not too much more than my current gear and willing to buy used.


@fuzztone that is not accurate unless you are using a Flea-watt Tube amplifier. Many PP Tube Integrated and Amplifiers on the market that will power inefficient speakers. AR, Unison, Jadis,  Rogue, AH, Octave just to name a few. I have speakers with 88 db sensitivity and my Octave V110SE  drives them spectacularly and sounds heavenly. 

@tkrtrb125 think he meant that the BHK preamp uses both tubes and transistors as amplification devices, and that OP should try a preamp that is pure tube. Power amp is not in play, at least according to OP's provided context. 

@mulveling guess I am not good at reading between the lines. 


BHK is not tube amplification, it’s hybrid. You have to try all tube before making ANY judgements. With efficient speakers to match.

If yours are below 92, give it up.

@tkrtrb125 oh my bad lol. You are right; I scanned too fast. It's extra confusing because they make both BHK preamp and power amp units, and I think both are hybrids.

Yep ithe BHK is a hybrid tube/SS. Budget $5-10k for everything but the speakers. 

If you’re using the loudness feature on the Luxman 100% of the time then that’s an issue IMO, and I doubt the ESS DAC in the Lumin is doing you any favors either.  In fact, I’d suggest doing a trial of the new LTA Aero DAC as that could potentially be transformative on its own, and their trial option makes it easy.  Past that, maybe a hybrid integrated like a Unison Research Unico would be a good option as it’ll likely put more flesh on the bone musically, and you can roll input tubes to tailor the sound to your liking.  Just a couple ideas FWIW, and best of luck.