Do any McIntosh preamps have non digital filter for bass and treble?

It seems that the preamps of McIntosh all have digital bass/treble adjustments which are digital filters. Does McIntosh pre amps have any bass/treble adjustments that are not digital filters?


The answer is that McIntosh made hi-fi gear before there was digital, so yes. Not sure about current models.

If you want analog bass and treble, look for something by McIntosh built in the 70’s or 80’s. What is your problem with the digital bass and treble?  It is much cleaner sounding and the controls are made for small tweaks in the sound. 

Naw, I mean recent models. I am sensitive to sound filters. If I wanted to go down that route, I would just get a class D. At least the MA12000 is still analog for the treble/bass. 

They also seem to have balanced outputs, which means they are really hybrids anyway.