Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


My system sounds great as is so why would I want to spend more money to prove what I already know?

@jji666 It bothers you please do not hurt me. cool Not interested in fighting with you, and you made my point. 

As long as our ears remain "analog" there will be the need for amplifiers to "motivate" speakers via cabling -- even it's internal.  Quality matters -- even SHORT distances.

If I'm following your logic here, my best response is that products with everything "on board" are still very limited in selection and may not offer all that a listener is looking for in the year 2024.  2034?  Maybe.


That really is a silly premise. Asking someone to validate something you are unwilling to try yourself.

FYI, I am usually in the less is better crowd ( with some caveats).

what is expensive for one is just pocket change for others.

Rich dudes are not stupid and tend to understand a thing or two about economics better than the avg hifi nerd.

Try selling Warren Buffett wire for 10k (because because...got to keep the lights on, R&D, yada yada, boo hoo, same old hifi cable sales guy sob story). Tell him "you are rich, so, why not buy it?" He might just gently waltz you out of his house.

Always try not to insult some rich dude’s intelligence with such statements. "You are rich, so why not?"....that’s gotta be about as insulting as it gets.