Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?

When I listen to speakers or components that are described as "detailed". I usually find them to be "bright". I like a balanced response and if there is an emphasis, I prefer a little more mid-bass.


It is a question, what say you all?



Detailed, articulate, resolving, transparent and musical doesn’t have to be bright.


I equate detail to clarity and separation. Brightness to an aspect of the tonal character. 

Perhaps this may help?

Detail:  The subtlest, most delicate parts of the original sound, which are usually the first things lost by imperfect components. See "low-level detail." Compare "haze," "smearing," "veiling."

Sounds Like? An Audio Glossary |

“Detailed” is what you hear in a live acoustic performance sitting six to ten feet away from the performer(s).

”Muffed,” or “smeared” is what you hear when you go into the venue’s bathroom.

Nothing to do with “bright” or “treble.”