$8k for speakers - new or used

With an $8k budget, what floor standing speaker would you recommend?  Currently have B&W 804 D3.  Levinson #333 amp, McIntosh pre amp.  Thx

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+1 @jasonbourne71   Revel Salon 2's while you can find them.  Used should be about 9K.  We agree this time!  :)

Based upon the McIntosh gear you aspire to own, I agree with the suggestions of Revel Salon 2, Magnepan 3.7i, and JBL, and would add Sonus Faber (various models) and Joseph Audio Perspective to your list.

Revels! Great match with the ML amp you have.

I ran the 328be speakers and they were all I needed when I had my Levinson system.

Good Luck on your search…