$8k for speakers - new or used

With an $8k budget, what floor standing speaker would you recommend?  Currently have B&W 804 D3.  Levinson #333 amp, McIntosh pre amp.  Thx

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Sonus Faber used.

Klipsch new or used

Revel (new/used a lot of bang for your bucks.

More than your budget but..wow Wilson's


Why does everyone tell everybody else to buy what they own? B&W 804D3 will have plenty of detail, more than most in fact. Try moving the speakers around a bit, toe in, closer to boundary's while aiming them at listening position, you know the drill. I love my Mac gear and it's much better in all areas compared to previous components, but maybe you need to try something different just for reference? I often get the bug to change speakers just for the sake of change, but I usually end up missing the specific attributes of the brand I'm most used to.

  That said, If you have the room to park a pair of speakers 3' or more from ANY reflecting surfaces the Paradigm Persona line will AMAZE!!! I sold my pair of 7f after a year or so because that's what I do, however I auditioned them over a year before buying(dealer is a patient man)and can say with confidence they have a very high ceiling. They have bass for days and don't need subs. I can't think of any other speaker a B&W 800 series owner would consider competition. 3f should be a drop in replacement for the 804.

I agree.  People just want to spend and upgrade.  Those B&Ws are fantastic speakers and it's likely you have placement and toe-in work to do, maybe room treatment.  The speakers are winners.