External Power Supply For My Audiolab 6000CDT CD Transport

I have an Audiolab 6000CDT cd transport.  I'm wondering if an external power supply would boost its performance.

I purchased and installed a Teddy Pardo power supply for my Bluesound Node and got a huge leap in performance.  I'm wondering if a power supply mod for my Audiolab cd transport would boost the performance there.

I'm running an Audio Research Reference DAC along with the Audiolab 6000CDT cd transport.
How do bigger external power supplies improve source components?


I had/have a 6000 for some 3 years. I replaced it a couple weeks ago with a Shanling ET3. I can't imagine an upgraded PS would come near how much better the ET3 is (MSRP $729)


6000CDT has linear power supply. See picture below.
What external power supply would you use and how would you implement it?

OP asked, "How do bigger external power supplies improve source components?"

By reducing "noise" . Lowering the noise floor makes for a darker background allowing things to sound clearer.  External power supplies are always linear and will transform AC to the needed DC voltage for the component.  Lower level components (like your Node) will use an internal Switch Mode Power supply which are inexpensive but inherently noisy.  Better components will go the more costly route and have an internal Liner Power Supply that reduces the noise floor.  The best flagship components will separate the LPS into another chassis to get the noise floor as low as possible.  This is why you see many flagship components in the multi box configuration.  They have separated their LPS section.