Dear @lewm @wrm57 : MINT LP disapeaed of the market and was one of the first protractor with dedicated turntable/arm, specific . Was really inexpensive.
The dedicated, one only, alignment hasd a way high limtations for the owner and for the cartridge against universal pro-tractors as the Feickert protractor.
If I will live for ever with that tonearm/TT alignment maybe no problem ( just maybe ) but it does not gives any single advantage over the universal protractors that gaves us to achieve the best quality level performance for any cartridges and tonearms combinations and or different kind of aligments. Ar the end we have try that the cartridge can shows at its best and a dedicated protractor can’s do it, probably at random but who knows.
Newcomers must know that could be a big mistage to get married with that kind of protractors and that the best " road " is a Universal alignment protractors. In the other side the OP posted that he wanted to optimize about and maybe he does not achieve it.