Looking for comparisons between CD transports

I'm still a disc-spinner, having a pretty large collection of CDs across a range of genres, though mostly classical. About 2 years ago I bought an Audiolab CDT6000 and lived with it for about a month before deciding it wasn't my cup of tea and selling it off. While its clarity and soundstage were impressive, there wasn't sufficient heft to the music, and it seemed to favor the music's component parts rather than portraying a cohesive whole. 

I'm considering the Audiolab 9000, the Schiit Urd, and possibly the Primare DD15. That's the budget range I'm comfortable with. (Despite the glowing reviews, Jay's Audio is kind of out or range for me at this point).  I'd be grateful to hear opinions on how these transports stack up against each other from those of you who have heard one or more of them. It will be running through a Sonnet Morpheus DAC, if that info is helpful. Thanks!




Thanks !  I am loving it.    Major step forward from a universal player as a transport.   Wish I did it a while back but life, kids, college, etc kept budget in check.   I did have one dedicated transport years ago, it was an Audio Alchemy based on a Sony CD drive.  It sounded good but didn't live very long.   

It's the closest I'll get to an Esoteric and there's a lot of trickle down technology in there.   Hopefully it'll be my last player for a long time.  

I just installed a 701t to go with the T+A Dac 200. Kills my streaming setup which I thought was pretty good. Black background. Tone and definition. As oddiofyl mentioned this is a a leap from the Oppo 103 that I had “tried out” with the Dac 200.  
I really don’t have anything to compare it to in its price range but pretty damn happy. I do find myself listening to much more of the cd vs skipping around while streaming. Only on the 3rd day but it’s been on repeat for 48 hrs. Loving it so far!!

If your transport sounds better than streaming it is the fault of the streamer. 

Skipping around with streaming generally means a lack of musicality in your system somewhere… typically lack of mid-range bloom and PRaT. My system more than once edged over there. Now my streamers have me glued to music I never thought I would listen to. I accidentally play the wrong thing and will usually end up listen to it. 

‘If your transport sounds better than streaming it is the fault of the streamer.’

George you have a system that most of us will never get to . Your Aurender is what over 20k? Congrats on working your ass off to get to that level  

I have had enough digital front ends from Auralic, Cary, Aurender,Lumin all in the 4-7 k range and none of them come close to the the sq of the Teac 701T . Of course lot of variables involved but we are talking redbook only on the Teac vs Hi-Rez files on the streaming and server side .  

I think skipping around a bit is just knowing you have hundreds kick ass songs available on Qobuz,Tidal and Local storage. 

It’s been like upgrading to a decent vinyl rig without the work. I am digging it  


You do not need to invest over $20K to get a streamer that will equal alternative formats. Obviously It will depend on your system and components. Typically today streaming can be done in the same ballpark investment range as alternatives. Takes some careful work to choose.


I cannot comment specifically on the Teac 701T. I have a fair amount of experience with contemporary streamers to believe given whatever the OPs preferences they could be equaled with the right streamer.