Is the volume control on the Transport or the DAC?

It seems a silly question but that's my ignorance. I am currently using an Audio Aero Capitole CD player in my system to drive a pair of monoblocks. I do not use a preamp nor am I contemplating buying one.

I am looking for a back up player and have spotted an Audio Aero Prima Mk II but the latter has a volume output of 2.2V, no volume control but has a digital output.

My question is, ifever the transport/disc reading of my Capitole becomes capricious, will I be able use the Prima as a transport and the Capitole as a DAC? If so, will I be able to control the volume level through the Capitole?

Or simply put, does the volume control of a Transport/DAC combo lie with the Transport of the DAC?

Second question, I am being offered a perfectly working Resolution Audio CD55 at a bargain price (around $800) which I am very tempted to buy as back up in place of the AA Prima but someone very knowlegeable in the field has recommended me to buy a used Resolution Audio Opus 21 instead. But times are hard and I am not keen on splashing out twice that sum on a back up player. Should I go for the Prima or the Resolution Audio. Both are at the same price point. I like the sound of my Capitole and play all kinds of music but more classical - Tchaikosky & Strauss type.

Many thanks for your advice and help.
The volume control on the AA Capitole is on the analogue output section, which means any of the solutions recommended would work.

That said, why would you buy another transport as a back up? You might have many years left.
If the Capitole has a digital input then you can use it as a dac for whichever transport you chose. But I agree with T_bone concerning the need for a back up.
Also, I have been using a Resolution Audio CD-50 for years now and love it. I have tried several times to upgrade but nothing has bested it. Haven't tried the AA Capitole, although I have looked into it.
I can understand the concern about having a back up for the AA Capitole. The problem with your idea is that when the Capitole dies (ie. needs repairs), the whole unit will be down and out, not usually just the transport. Additionally, it is the main board, the DAC chipset (STARS) that seem to be the cause of the biggest problems with these units. Both of these problems would put your unit out of commission.

On another note, the Prima does not really sound anything like the Capitole (I bought a Prima when I sent my Capitole back to France for servicing). The prima's sound stage is a fraction the size of the Capitoles and it can get congested pretty easily with large scale recording (ie. a lot of stuff going on, a lot of instruments, and certainly with rock music).

I do understand your love affair with the Capitole direct to the amps though. Its just too bad its made in France, I have never had any positive experiences with any of the French equipment manufacturers in terms of service and also have found their equipment much, much less reliable. I do like their fries though!