Payment method required to send messages???

I just received the following notice when trying to respond to a message a member sent to me.  The message was about audio gear and had nothing to do with buying or selling.  Is this a new requirement?  

You must have a verified phone number and payment method to send messages.



Yesterday I received a 7 digit code (one digit too many for input to A'gon) and then after going round to the promt again I received a 6 digit code that could be entered, but it didn't work.

Later I recieved another 6 digit code (didn't work).

This morning I received a 6 digit code that worked as far as I can tell because I was able to PM Mitch.

I figure out computer stuff with trial and a lot of error (currently trying to setup a wiped iPad for my wife).



Post removed 


I received your message. But I cannot reply. This is in the reply box.

You must have a verified phone number and payment method to send messages.

On my account page it says my cell phone number is not verified. Even though yesterday when I did an Update Account it said it was accepted.

Yesterday I sent myself a message. This is what I received in my A’Gon message Dashboard.


member not found


Just received this same message yesterday. I guess I'm done using Audiogon's message system. They aren't getting my credit card number for this purpose.


Did you receive the body of the PM (if so your'e still it)?

Try verifying the phone again (think I re-verified the burner).

