Speakers that disappear

I once listened to some speakers where i was surprised by their disappearing act - I don't remember the brand - I think they were stand mounted. I am currently looking for speakers - not too big - and was hoping for recommendations - I know other components matter too but I understand some speakers are noted for this trait and some don't. I listen mostly to classical and vocals, lighter pop - no hard rock (I assume the Beatles and 60's count as "light" :) )  Speakers I have

Harbeth PS3ER XD,  

Martin Logan Stylos Speakers (wall mounted)
Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 Speakers, 

Enigma Speakers -   Enigma Oremus

Had Focal Aria 906



It really begins upsteam...if you can hear you amplifier grilling, then your speakers no matter what they are will not disappear...it is the whole chain. 


It all depends on what type of music you're listening to, your room and do you also like that slam of bass.  I have Wilson Maxx II's, but my son has some Martin Logans and I love their sound.  I had a pair of Monolith's, but sold them to buy the Wilson's.  I wish I had a larger room, so I could incorporate both speakers in my listening area.  I have a pair of Klipschorns that have been sitting in their corners, unused for several years.  I think I'll find a low power tube amp and connect them up.


Absolutely! I have the Orion’s also - "Maggies on Steroids!"

But... the OP seemed to be asking for smaller speakers that "disappear."

And... although I love my Orion’s... they are quite a bit larger and more difficult to manage, than the LRS+ or Harbeths. And... I do believe the LRS+ does a fair job of competing with the Orions... maybe... with the exception of the dynamics and drive of the lower mids and bass and the size of the soundstage.

The LRS+ is just amazing at producing not only the accuracy and transparency of the sound, but also the imaging and soundstage, with those ESL 57 or Harbeth mids - which is all you need for "all things acoustic." If I want a bit more dynamics and drive... I’ll add some Rels to the mix of my LRS+. But for most of my jazz, blues, country and classical - I don’t miss it a bit!

And... the bonus is... the LRS+, which rivals most any other speaker - is only $1,000!