Speakers that disappear

I once listened to some speakers where i was surprised by their disappearing act - I don't remember the brand - I think they were stand mounted. I am currently looking for speakers - not too big - and was hoping for recommendations - I know other components matter too but I understand some speakers are noted for this trait and some don't. I listen mostly to classical and vocals, lighter pop - no hard rock (I assume the Beatles and 60's count as "light" :) )  Speakers I have

Harbeth PS3ER XD,  

Martin Logan Stylos Speakers (wall mounted)
Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 Speakers, 

Enigma Speakers -   Enigma Oremus

Had Focal Aria 906




It all depends on what type of music you're listening to, your room and do you also like that slam of bass.  I have Wilson Maxx II's, but my son has some Martin Logans and I love their sound.  I had a pair of Monolith's, but sold them to buy the Wilson's.  I wish I had a larger room, so I could incorporate both speakers in my listening area.  I have a pair of Klipschorns that have been sitting in their corners, unused for several years.  I think I'll find a low power tube amp and connect them up.


Absolutely! I have the Orion’s also - "Maggies on Steroids!"

But... the OP seemed to be asking for smaller speakers that "disappear."

And... although I love my Orion’s... they are quite a bit larger and more difficult to manage, than the LRS+ or Harbeths. And... I do believe the LRS+ does a fair job of competing with the Orions... maybe... with the exception of the dynamics and drive of the lower mids and bass and the size of the soundstage.

The LRS+ is just amazing at producing not only the accuracy and transparency of the sound, but also the imaging and soundstage, with those ESL 57 or Harbeth mids - which is all you need for "all things acoustic." If I want a bit more dynamics and drive... I’ll add some Rels to the mix of my LRS+. But for most of my jazz, blues, country and classical - I don’t miss it a bit!

And... the bonus is... the LRS+, which rivals most any other speaker - is only $1,000!

Concentric driver designs+a narrow baffle+attention paid to phase precision will tend to be holographic and disappear like a piece of cake...even if your room/setup is a bit suboptimal. If it fits your wallet, get a TAD E1TX. It isn’t very big and will be a significant step up (sonically) from what you currently have.


Or...here’s a less wallet abusing piece with some compromise from Technics (SB-G90M2)

"...speakers that disappear...." ?

Bluetoothed headphones, but keep a sub....coffee table disguised....