Bryston BDA-1


Just curious if any of you have noticed a lack of richness with the BDA-1 compared to CDP. It possibly could be that my unit is 5 days old and I don't have the 75 ohm coax cable, which is in the post that may restore some of the qualities I'm missing. Any suggestions will be welcomed.


Took your advice and bought a $20.00 toslink until my coax come in and you were absolutely right! More bass and a more realistic soundstage and detail. So, It's going to get better with a digital coax?


The digital cable did make a huge improvement but I was expecting more from he BDA-1. I would say an increase of 10% in performance and if I had to do it all over again I would have bought another Belles 150A Ref amplifier which would have given better results than the BDA-1.

Too bad, sorry you are not that impressed. For me, it's the best digital piece of gear I have owned. I don't use my disc player often anymore, mostly digital files over AppleTV, and to be honest mostly vinyl so not much digital.

But, the Bryston has been the most "analog" sounding by far.
I own both and I prefer BCD-1 over the BDA-1, even using the BCD as a transport only. It's close.