Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  



I am curious: did you actually watch Poppy’s two demonstrations? Because your response does not speak to them. 

The cables don't make a difference crowd should not be allowed to post their misleading crap on Audiogon

Absolutely, dissenting opinions are so inconvenient.


If audiogon was the government, they would be banned from adopting your position. It’s called viewpoint based discrimination. It leads to dictatorship.

They are not the government, so they are free to ban posts and do as they please. They do in fact do so. Tammy has already removed many of mine, of which I will have something to say in the future.

in the meantime, conversely, what’s to prevent someone from adopting the position of saying that people who promote $5M cables should be banned, lest they continue to brainwash people into spending unnecessary amounts of money?

Censorship is never wise. (Allegedly) False speech is not fought by removing it. It’s fought with more speech. Then people decide.

I stopped believing in the Catholic Church at age 9. I stopped believing in God at age 13. Do you really think that I’m going to genuflect in The Church of Audio ... I wonder if this offends Tammy and whomever in this crowd jerks her chain: let’s see how long this post lasts ... they are free to ban posts and do as they please. They do in fact do so. Tammy has already removed many of mine ...

That's an interesting list of "accomplishments."