which power amp or integrated for Totem Element Fire v2's?

trying to find a match for these speakers and something tells me I'm not there yet

so in the price range of the pieces mentioned below;

Hegel H390 and Parasound JC5 did not seem to match, neither did Sim Audio 400m monos nor Bryston 4B3

this is for 2 channel stereo streaming via tidal,

I can go integrated or power amp (preferably without a preamp)

if going power amp only, I would use my RME ADI-2 DAC FS directo to amp from a Bluesound Node X

or my Eversolo DMP A8 direct to power amp

my only general  preference is for for higher power amps as I find them a bit more versatile if/when switching speakers but open to anything at the moment

appreciate any suggestions

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I am running my Totems with a PrimaLuna integrated. This works very well. It is pretty detailed, but still natural sounding. I love totems in small spaces… but definitely with tubes to get the most music out of them.

+1 @zlone  “Did not seem to match” doesn’t tell us anything so no idea in which direction you wanna go.  More specifics needed for a more meaningful recommendation. 

honestly hard to say what I find lacking , just that feeling you get when you know you have or do not have a great match

the Hegel was just a good not great amp,

same with the Sim400s

Parasound was outstanding but the preamp was coloured and cumbersome, power amp phenomenal just not a match for my speakers imo

the dealer worked at Totem and knows these speakers inside out

he recommended Mcintosh, Accuphase and Lux

he sells neither, I just ordered a demo Mcintosh MA9000 on his recommendation

as I like to move my amps around I suspect the sheer mass may be an issue, we'll see I guess

Lux and Accuphase are out for me as I have gone through repair hell in the past with units both on and off warranty

I'm hoping between the Mcintosh and a few other recommendations I'll likely try the aforementioned MF, Purifi, and possibly Rotel Michi and Technics SUr1000

what I am really hoping for is owner recommendations, does not appear this speaker model is particularly popular