The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


@nonoise  Nobody wants to make you stream.  Some people really like being able to find new (to them) music through streaming and are free to express that like on this forum. 

There are probably more threads with differences of opinion on Audiogon than not.  That's the way forums work.  If you don't like reading about streaming, don't read the threads.  There are many topics I avoid in these forums.  It's easy to do.

Funny, I have 31,100 LPs and 16,300 CDs.  I need to cull 15% of each (duplicates and just uninteresting to me).  However, I would not want to be without either and I'm 68, part-time musician, recording engineer, composer (2X) archivist and singer.  However, that's my hobby.  I play my CDs through a Lampizator Poseidon (2nd system Topping D70s) and Jay's Audio Transport CDt3 Mk3.  CDs have exactly the same sonic and musical appeal as does analog.  Good mastering and good sound trumps the formats.  Streaming can be an equal but generally isn't as the source material is inferior 85% of the time, often as good and rarely better.  The best streaming sound is generally more expensive than my analog and digital setups.

@nonoise  Nobody wants to make you stream. 

I wasn't reading between the lines. It was fairly obvious in a few posts  That's why I said what I said.

You can go back to threads where an OP asks for advice with CDTs or CDPs, expressing no interests or wish to do streaming only to be assailed on his choices and told to start streaming. Time is short and it's getting old.

All the best,

There are several drawbacks with streaming.

1. Historical and documentary information is generally unavailable on the recordings/artists.

2.1/3 or more of my 78s, LPs and CDs will never be streamed, especially ethnic music. Out of 61,100 LPs/78s/CDs/R2R

3. Streamed material can be added and deleted so that it’s here today and gone tomorrow.

4. Quality of the source material.

Actually, I prefer listening to solid state types of digital reproduction, flashdrives for instance perfect transfers from mastertapes/digital source material.  I have saved 100s of my favorite and rare CDs to solid state.  It's also transportable with ease.

@nonoise When you run across those annoying, "you’ve got to stream" posts, stop reading and post about the benefits of how you prefer to listen to music.