Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?

Some of you may aware of my Garrard 301 project, it’s now very close to completion. The plinth finally shipped from Hungry after 3 months of long wait.

Given my last experience with Hana Umami Red, I would like to take things to the next level. Which brings me to mating low output cart with a SUT. Every review I’ve read so far suggests when the SUT-MC match is right, the end result is heavenly. The bass is right, the midrange is clear, and most importantly, the highs are relaxed and extended—not rolled off.

I am not saying you can’t get great sound without a SUT but it appears with a properly matched SUT, sound can be quite magical.

Thought this would be the right time to get input from experienced users here since I am still contemplating my cartridge and outboard phonostage options.

My preference would be to go with a tube phono…I kinda miss tinkering with tubes :-)

My system, Garrard 301 (fully refurbished), Reed 3P tonearm, Accuphase E-650 with built-in AD50 analog board ➡️ Tannoy Canterbury’s.

Cart and phono under consideration through my dealer,

Fuuga - Output : 0.35 mVrms | Impedance : 2.5 Ω (1kHz)

Phonostage - Tron Convergence and Konus Audio Phono Series 1000

The cart - MC combination, I am lusting after is Etsuro Urushi Bordeaux MC with their Etsuro Transformer.

The other transformer is EMIA, cooper or silver version.

Your input is appreciated!


Update: Lot of listening yesterday with my new TT, cart and phono. I end up preferring Allnic H-6500 (tube) phono over Konus MC3000 (trans impedance) phono in my system. Allnic was more synergistic with rest of my system. For a tube phono (12 tubes), H-6500 is one hell of a phono pre; I am pleasantly surprised by it’s perfect balance being a tube phono (in direct contrast with Konus), it’s dead quiet, harmonics that are synonymous with valves but not overly tubey or syrupy yet incredibly detailed. Not to mention thoughtful features, exquisite build quality and tube rectification in external power supply.

Similarly, Etsuro Bordeaux bettered Fuuga in terms overall detail and depth. Bordeaux is a beautiful sounding cart, just like a fine vino; the passion and attention to detail of artisans at Excel Sound was evident from very first note. Bordeaux aptly renders clarity, balance, and the immersive quality of any well recorded album.

My modest but carefully chosen collection of recordings shined through the foursome of 301, 3P, Bordeaux and H-6500. They allowed music to simply breathe, quiet passages were intimate and louder sections just as impactful without any distortion. The tonal balance was also impeccable, ensuring that no frequency range dominates or feels lacking, bass was tight and controlled, revealing subtle details and nuances that enhances our emotional connection to the music.

I plan on getting Etsuro SUT once I cross the initial break-in threshold.

My next priority is to get a better TT isolation. Thinking about SRA Ohio Class platform and Scuttle 2 level extra-wide custom rack.

Back to cleaning records and more listening. Thank you all for your thoughtful input and advice.

If it were I, I would want to have a concrete reason for why an outboard Etsuro SUT would outperform the SUTs built into the Allnic, before spending the bucks for the Etsuro. There are more readily conceivable reasons why that might be a downgrade rather than an upgrade (extra connectors, extra wiring, added capacitance, etc) than there are good reasons to expect an improvement.


Thank you for your input. I hear you on extra connections but this is something I would like to explore down the road. I wouldn’t know if Allnic is doing full justice to Bordeaux unless I pair it with an external SUT. SUT is not a priority right now but more or less a wish list item that needs to be checked off :-)

@lalitk : I’m with @lewm : the Etsuro Urushi SUT might be different but not necessarily better and quite possibly worse. It is 1:20, which your Allnic offers (along 1:26, which you might even prefer with a .25 mV cartridge at 3 ohms DCR). And your Allnic silver-wound transformers are far from broken in at this point. I’d say listen for a few months before considering the expense and electronic complication of any outboard SUT.

I remain an advocate of the SUT in use. I am also very aware of the additional connections required to be used, and know from experiences had there is more to  be achieved on this area. 

In other Threads, I have referred to the use of Low Eddy RCA Connectors on both Cables and Chassis of the Amp, where A/B comparisons were carried out with SAEC XL 5000 Cables and a Bespoke Built SS Phon's MC Input / Output on the Analogue Signal Path belonging to the Audio System used for the Demo's.

Experiencing the use of Low Eddy RCA connectors on the Analogue Signal Path, as a subjective evaluation was describable as being transformative for the betterment of the Audio System end sound, when used in the permutation of Low Eddy RCA Connectors and PC Triple C Wire, being used as the Signal Path from Cart' Lead Out Pins to Power Amp's and as Speaker Wire, I also believe on this occasion the Internal Cabinet Wire was PC Triple C as well, it it was not, it is now.

When my Analogue Source is once more set up, this type of permutation is the first of the changes to be put in place.

The PC Triple C Wire is to be used where it can be utilised within Devices and Low Eddy RCA's are to be added to Cables and Chassis in conjunction with XLR Connectors as another option. These connections will be in place on both the Power Amp and the Pre Amp design yet to be built. I am today convinced that having both options for umbilical's is where I want to be. 

My suggestion made in the past and now repeated. Is that when the Warranty Period is no longer in place on devices and if the desire is surfacing to learn if additional end sound quality can be attained. The use of Low Eddy Connectors and PC Triple C wire in the Signal Path has great potential be the method to create the improvement desired.