Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing

For the last year my system has consisted of the Slim Devices Transporter (Transport + DAC) -> Bel Canto Ref1000 -> Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1

I listen to all my music digitally (lossless/flac). I was very happy with my original system but when the Perfectwave DAC came out I was intrigued. For quite a while I debated between the PW and keeping the transporter or modding it via Modwright.

I ended up getting the PW and though I can't compare it to a modded transporter, it blows the stock transporter out of the water. I should note that since the network bridge isnt out for the PW, I am currently streaming music via the transporter -> coaxial out (spdif) -> PW.

I have only listened for ~5 hours so far, but things I have noticed right away is much cleaner/tighter bass. The low end is so much more accurate than it was before. When comparing, the transporter sounded very muddy (even though at the time I though it was quite good). The mids and highs are tighter as well. The separation has improved quite a bit as well. I have immediately noticed that the loudness of different instruments is wider spread than listening to the same songs on the transporter.

Hope this helps! If anyone has any questions about the PW or the transporter I will try my best to answer them.
Thanks for the links, Levy03. I am going to check them out.

If I come to the conclusion that I have to eat a little crow, I'll be sure to do so. It is highly nutritious, according to Dr. Friedrich Nietzche. :)
I'm surprised your having isssues with the sound of the PWT/PWD combo. I've been pleased before it broke in and since breaking in found it to surpass my older, but very respectable, Levinson Reference 30.6 DAC and 31.5 transport. Right away, the PWT/PWD just seemed to get the music right. I've since upgraded the HDMI cable to PS Audio's top of the line silver HDMI on several people's recommendations. It put the combo even further over the top.
As for volume, I'm currently setting the DAC at 75 to 80 on the volume display and then sending the signal into the ARC Ref 3 preamp. I broke my HDMI cable by playing just the transport into the DAC over Xmas break, for about 2 weeks the Purist Audio break in disc along with others. It sounded better each time I listened, and I assumed the new HDMI cable was broke in then. However, since being home, and having it play in the system, instead of just between the DAC and tranport, I've been amazed at how much it seems to improve each night. I really can't explain why this has happened. But this is what I'm experiencing.

I hope your PWT/PWD starts reaching its potential. But as we all have found out before, a component that sounds great in one system, may not make the grade in another system for many reasons.
Good listening,

Regardless of whether or not your conjecture should ever prove to be true, you already ate your crow - feathers and all, when you made sweeping generalizations about a product with which you have no applicable experience….;)
I hesitate posting the following observation because it is a little depressing and it applies to just about every thread posted at this – and other audio sites…

As I attended my daughter’s choir recital this past weekend, I was treated to a live string quartet as they played for the audience during intermission. The acoustic setting, a wonderfully well treated hall within one of the more affluent local universities, provided a perfect setting for these four members of the local symphony. As they prepared to play, I sat back and closed my eyes – ready to make a mental comparison of how the “absolute sound” compares to my home rig. Needless to say, the live sound was shockingly different (…..as in better).

In light of the aforementioned reality, there really is no right or wrong when it comes to anyone’s subjective opinion of recreated music and the associated gear with which it is recreated. To each his own