Music reproduction is art


It finally occurred to me why this Stereophile cover is true. Music reproduction is  art. There is no right or wrong. Chasing technical accuracy is just another type of artistic presentation.

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I have a CD recorder, and I mix various songs onto, (remember mix tapes) CD's for the car.I strangely feel artistic in selecting songs that can flow or shock, in equal measure. I am not an artist but it pleases me, anyhow.

Kind regards,


I would like to hear from people who mix tracks and recording engineers. This group of people have so much influence on what we hear but are never seen on audiophile websites. As end users, we are just picking up the pieces.

They have many rules such as reverb on no more than 1 track. Legend has it, they have better than "audiophile" ears.



Art, craft. style, design, technologies....fortunately, 'umans are still involved....
...for now. ;)

Back in SF, spouse 'n self were peeling layers of paint off of plaster walls in our '09 Vic bungalow.....admiring the mottled pattern of colors, textures, and the ragged edges that it now wore...then had it mudded over and painted.

Not long after, we discovered that walls with 'That LOOK' had become very popular in NYC...

"'Peel it, clearcoat it, and be an 'It'! "

Timing is all, sometimes....*rue L*

@cdc ...I'd be interested in that....could hold my keys in pause for the cause... 👍

cdc OP

I would like to hear from people who mix tracks and recording engineers. This group of people have so much influence on what we hear

They have better than "audiophile" ears.

All mics are noisy (veiled & bright). It can be an art that recording engineers have created many beautiful music with these noisy mics. I wonder what they will do with a new technology clean natural sound mic.

I’ll be meeting recording studio people from Hollywood area with my clean sound microphone next week. The question is "will artists record again" for a clean natural sound recording. I guess they are forced to record again. More job for recording studios and REs. That will bring a new wave for recording and audio industry. alex/WTA